
<img src="Workbench.png" alt="Workbench ArcGIS">

The Workbench gives subscribers access to a powerful virtual desktop that is specifically configured for geoprocessing. Workbench can save you time and the costs for new hardware, software installation and licensing, and data acquisition. Access your workbench from any device through the remote desktop application and perform your remote sensing and GIS workflows with the same look and feel as in your current desktop environment.

Product Description 

With Workbench, remote sensing and GIS experts can scale their geoprocessing tasks without investing in new IT and permanent software licenses: Upload the software applications and desired Geodata to the Workbench and use the latest IT to execute your workflow. Scale your Workbench to your processing needs by selecting Standard or Professional level.

The Workbench comes installed with free remote sensing and GIS software of your choice, including QGIS, GAIA or ESA Sentinel Toolbox. Additional software options include Geomatica Cloud, ENVI + SARscape, PHOTOMOD, PHOTOMOD Radar, and ArcGIS Pro. All this software is automatically kept up to date – and you are free to install your own programs to the Workbench, too.

Use a wide range of Geodata as a Service on a pay-as-you-go basis. The cloudeo store offers premium data that are perfect for your project, including KOMPSAT, TripleSAT, and NEXTMap One. Save on data expenses by purchasing subscription access instead of permanent licenses. Bring your data to the workspace and combine them with the offering on the Workbench.

Short-term access lets you test new software without purchasing a full license upfront or burdening your in-house IT administration; you can use it to enable partner companies to edit your data without releasing control over it. And you can use your Workbench anywhere, anytime.

Please login to select options

Start date
E.g., 2024-09-21


  • cloudeo

Delivery time 

A few business days

Access Mode 

Remote desktop

Workbench Configuration 

The Workbench comes in 3 options: Standard, Standard PLUS, and Professional. You can forget about backups - we do it for you. During your subscription time, we backup your workbench daily. After you have closed your workbench, we can archive it for you. Whenever you like to restart, your last status of work will be at your fingertips.

 StandardStandard PLUSProfessional
Access to remote sensing and geodata
Upload own dataxxx
DaaS - Data as a Servicexxx
Access to software and analytics
Install own softwarexxx
SaaS - Software as a Servicexxx
Checkout and publishing of results
Publish results as OGC webservicexxx
Checkout results as filexxx
CloudEO Professional Service
Archiving of workbench1 month1 month1 month
Secure private accountxxx
GeoIT supportxxx
Daily backup of workbenchxxx
Virtual Machine
CPU (cores)448
RAM (GB)161632
Workbench storage (GB)150 (HDD)200 (SSD)200 (SSD)
Attached network storage (GB)250500500
Operating systemWin 10, 64 BitWin 10, 64 BitWin 10, 64 Bit

An individually configured workbench is available on demand. You can select between different options for: CPU, RAM, GPU, HDD/SSD, NAS, OS (Linux/Windows)

Customer Feedback 

  • Mark Knapp, East View Geospatial
    "The Workbench from cloudeo enhances our organization’s ability to scale analysis and production to match ever-changing customer requirements. The agile environment features cutting-edge geospatial tools and information, enabling us to develop solutions for a wide range of end-users. Whether innovating big data strategies or tailoring source material to unique specifications, we depend on Workbench to implement impactful assessments."
  • Markus Sauerbier, MFB GeoConsulting GmbH
    "The cloudeo Workbench provides an interesting option to make use of licensed remote sensing software on earth observation data. We used the Workbench and can state that working and display performance is that fast that we did not notice working with a cloud-based user interface instead of a desktop PC. Various earth observation data from a wide variety of different sensors are made available, and the data can be used as a service or locally if required. We can fully recommend the cloudeo Workbench for professional geoprocessing!"

Pricing / Licensing 

Academic discounts are available. Special bundle prices are available together with geodata or geosoftware. cloudeo Terms & Conditions apply.